What We Value,What We Miss,
With the closing of borders as the world 'stays at home', this time seem particularly poignant as we stay apart during the Covid 19 crisis to protect each other and our health services. Never has the world seemed so silent of the sound of human movement.
I led a challenge for Textileartist earlier in the month in which I asked people to create a textile collage on the theme 'What We Value-What We Miss'. These are the same questions I asked back in February as part of my exhibition launch for Places, Spaces, Traces with Gypsy Maker 4 in terms of issues of 'identity' and 'place'. What you value enough to bring with you if forced to leave your home, and what you would miss if you had to leave it behind? In these strange times, these simple words have equal resonance now we find our lives restricted of movement. It is heartening to see people share the things of importance to them in stitch.
The new work for Gypsy Maker 4 can be seen in an on line exhibition at the Art in The Attic. It has led to an invitation for me to create an installation for exhibition in Antwerp in 2021. As part of this project I would like to add some additional words or even small stitched pieces reflecting on these times and connecting us to each other. See my website link for further details on how to be involved.
I have created some of small pieces along the same theme, looking at the things I value in my garden and home. These are for sale in my shop of which, 10% will got to Shelter. I am also posting a few things on instagram as part of the artist support pledge . A scheme which supports artists, makers and creative practitioners who have suddenly found themselves with limited income.
April Flowers Snake's Head Lilly
April Flowers Woad
Some of what I have been doing, I realise, has been 'Smokes and Mirrors' as like all of you, I am managing things day to day and learning that its is ok not to feel ok a lot of the time, staying at home need not be lonely and as we share our stories in stitch. This blogpost 'Social Distancing Stitch, on Mr Xstitch discusses

On a more upbeat note. I was delighted to lead a sketchbook collage mini workshop for free under an initiative set up by West Dean College. of bite-size tutorial videos from the College's expert short course tutors. I was due to teach in May. I look forward to meeting you back there when we can.