Unravel and Bound

Purple Hibiscus, an installation created by artist Ibrahim Mahama, covering the Barbican as part of Unravel: The Power & Politics of Textiles. 

So pleased to catch this amazing exhibition featuring so many Icons of the art world. Magadelena Abakanowicz, Jacoda Buic, Sheila Hicks, Louise Bourgeois, Judy Chicago, Tracey Emin to name a few....some featured here with other favourites. Check the descriptions text following alongside some of the images.

Magadelena Abakanowicz

Jacoda Buic

Sheila Hicks

Tracey Emin

Tau Lewis

Harmony Hammond

Georgina Maxim

I particularly liked the borderlands installation.


The photographed descriptive text is because, at the end of term, I literally took the advice of my students to have a break...of my wrist. Although I am most sure that was not what they meant !!!
I am ok otherwise and appreciate all the well wishes I have been sent.  At least it was not my drawing hand this time around.

Delighted to have work featuring in Remembering the Past: Creating the Future. International Textile Exhibition at Queen Street Gallery and Studio 40 in Neath.17th May – 15th June 2024.

When I am back to reasonable function, I will have several updates on 'breaking news' (pun intended this time). Meanwhile check my website for updates.


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