Kent Creative Interview and a Day Out in by the Sea in Kent

Find out more about the stories behind my work  in the Kent Creative Interview by Nathalie Banaigs including a sneak peak into my studio.

The interview was on a lovely sunny day and we had the chance to look at how I got into textiles,  the stories we tell and the value of the creative community.  

I also had a lovely day at Whitstable with friends.

We visited The Horsebridge Arts Centre and caught The Lost Island by Amanda Vigor and Subliminal influences Sue Bridge, Jeanette Cook and Zel Hunt. Hurry as both exhibitions finish on 31stJuly

I so enjoyed searching for shells and hagstones whilst taking in the sea air.

Look out for my next posting when I will be sharing news about my  forthcoming exhibition in Scotland and a behind the lovely Jamie Chalmers of XStitch Magazine  uncovers more about the real world of being an this artist. 


Judith said…
Wonderful commentary from you, Cas.

Thank you for sharing the changing ways you do
your art. It's such an important aspect of your your life is so different now, I
admire your strength to carry on...even as the bits
of time to do that work, have been impacted.
I have deep appreciation for your stunning effort
to keep those creative fires burning.
Well done, Cas (hugs across the pond)
Cas Holmes said…
thankyou so much Judy

I hope you and yours are well. Fond memories of warm times in first USA visit.

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