Opening Up...a Concern for the Earth
Today I would have been leaving to work with Fibre Arts Australia. Although saddened that I am unable to meet up with friends and colleagues I am delighted to be able to take part in a Fibre Arts Takes Two interview this Friday with Glenys Mann.
"For the Love of Gaia" at the International Quilt Museum has opened up. This is the first exhibition I am involved with which people can actually live visit in the flesh..if you live in Nebraska The exhibition is organised by guest curator Luana Rubin. A few real installation shots have been kindly been shared by the museum and you can also take a virtual tour of the exhibition
Certainly, as the winds tore around the Downs earlier this week it is a reminder of the strength of the weather as it circulates the small sphere we all share.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the forefront innumerable issues, including the ravages of air pollution and climate change. Shelter-in-place orders resulted in an unintended silver lining: the persistent smog lifted in Los Angeles, revealing a clear view of the skyscrapers; the majestic snowcapped Himalaya were visible for the first time in decades; and the Eiffel Tower could be clearly seen from Parisian suburbs. Wildlife could be spotted roaming streets; and it is hoped that the reduced traffic on seas may give oceans a much needed respite. It is not too late. Please look, and think about what you can do to protect Mother Gaia, who sustains us with her ancient wisdom and her powerful presence. We tell our stories visually, and we hope to touch your heart also.- Luana Rubin, guest curator
This week saw a series of firsts for a long time. I left Kent for Harwich and took my first: train journey, held a workshop with people in a socially distanced space (with Old Bank Studios), saw the sea, had fish and chips with a friend and finally stayed away from home.