Into the New

2014  has flown by balancing making work, exhibiting and teaching as well as working on my next book 'Stitch Stories'. 

Laceflowers detail

More importantly, the support of friends and family has equally enabled me to find some quiet time when things may have got a little too busy. It was wonderful to have a few days off to take a walk around Mote Park in the winter sunshine.


 I started the year in the Netherlands with running workshops with Zijdelings  and meeting up at the Museum of Kantfabriek (lace factory) to plan for the  Memory Cloth exhibition which ended the year.  I am back with Zijdlings for workshops in March. 

Travels have been far and wide and it was  wonderful to catch up with old friends and meet new adventures. I was delighted to be in Cork for the Making Tomorrow Conference followed by the wonderful warmth and welcome of a tour in the USA in the Spring. Will never forget the Wisteria in Atlanta which made me feel right at home, the wonderful Arizona red desert and trip to the Grand Canyon ending with a lunar eclipse thrown in at the end of the day and my a last walk by the Pacific in San Diego.

 I was delighted to exhibit my show Common-Place at Quiltstar over the Summer followed by the fabulous opportunity to guest show Place-Spaces-Traces at the European Patchwork Meeting in the September. Tea-Flora-Tales proved a hit with lots of people interacting and adding to the piece.Themes will be developed with new works for exhibitions planned for 2015.


This lovely four page review by Isabelle Wiessler in Les Nouvelles Patchwork et Creation Textile, the magazine of the Association of France Patchwork recently arrived on my doorstep.It contains great reviews on the European Patchwork Meeting generally.

'Connected Cloth', with Anne Kelly (image of our collaboration 'Bridges' above)  continued its successful tour with exhibitions at Trinity Tunbridge Wells, Bromley, Crowborough and Cranbrook .It was wonderful to be part of the supportive 'family' of Art Textiles:Made in Britain and their first exhibition at Festival of Quilts in 2014. 

 I was delighted to have been commissioned to create works for the Garden Museum for their collection. This was on show as part of their Gardens and War exhibition.

Comments and continued support have been most welcome so thankyou to all who continue to support my work and share a mutual appreciation for both the 'creative world' of textiles. 

 Have a creative 2015 




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