
Inside the coal store

Lovely bit of old 'lagging'

An old porthole looking a bit Rothko-ish

Spent some time on LV21, an Old Light Festival which is being modernised and turned into a floating cultural resource (see a couple of weeks ago.

You know me, like ferreting around and a vessel in its raw state and an opportunity to see all the nuts and bolts was too good to miss. This will be a wonderful resource for the Medway towns. Performances have already taking place on the outside of the vessel which looks amazing but there is still a ways to go and the interior as you can see from the pics. You can follow the progress on Facebook


t said…
will have to have a closer look at this.

Jennie Atkinson said…
Some lovely rusty colours !
annrap said…
mee missed these, how tactile and hidden, we all look through such different lenses, see you tomorrow Ann x

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