Unfolding Landscapes

 I love this time of year when Summer blends to Autumn and the mornings are crisp, I so enjoyed taking early morning and late afternoon walks in West Dean Gardens whilst teaching a 'Unfolding Landscapes' at West Dean College

I can think of no better way of carving out time to do things I love than to share a studio space with hard-working, students who breathed in the creative inspiration to be found in this beautiful place.

Judith, Alison, Sarah. Debbie, Stephanie, Sandie, Ally, Alex, Chantal and Leigh, thank you for sharing this space with me.To balance intellectual and creativity challenge in such a positive learning space is as important to my well-being as a carer' as is the respite and calm of the gardens. As well as the fabulous meals (which I did not need to cook for a change!) I look forward to returning in April 2025. I am also doing a one day workshop at the London Campus

This month three years ago I talked about 'stitching my own therapy'. In looking after the garden whilst my life partner was in hospital I valued the distraction both the physical act of gardening and the simple act of pushing a needle through cloth gave me as I shared my daily observations stitched in text.
You can read more about the value of creativity as part of our lives in Soulful Stitch, co-authored with Deena Beverley for Batsford Books. in which we share our love of stitch and our need to create in what have often been the most difficult of circumstances. The book is due for release 10th October and both I and Deena will be at the Knitting and Stitching Show teaching, exhibiting and book signing.


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